Inspired by [[|Jason Rahm]] I have made a Bash version of the converter script: #!/bin/bash # read IP addresses from CSV file into array mapfile -t ipaddrs < dg_ipaddrs.csv # loop through array and format each IP address for addr in "${ipaddrs[@]}"; do # remove any leading/trailing whitespace addr="$(echo -e "${addr}" | tr -d '[:space:]')" # split line into fields on comma delimiter IFS=',' read -ra fields <<< "$addr" # check if first field contains a network mask or prefix length. The ${fields[0],,} syntax is used to convert the contents of the fields[0] variable to lowercase. if [[ "${fields[0]}" == */* ]] || [[ "${fields[0],,}" == *"mask"* ]] || [[ "${fields[0],,}" == *"prefixlen"* ]]; then # check if second field is empty if [[ -z "${fields[1]}" ]]; then echo "network ${fields[0]}," else value="${fields[1]}" echo "network ${fields[0]} := ${value}," fi else # check if second field is empty if [[ -z "${fields[1]}" ]]; then echo "host ${fields[0]}," else value="${fields[1]}" echo "host ${fields[0]} := ${value}," fi fi done > dg_formatted.txt