This script is meant to give you an easy way of disabling a signature from a specific policy which causes false positives. #!/bin/bash user="admin" pwd="passw0rd" bigip_mgmt="" get_token() { # Get authentication token echo $(curl -sk -X POST https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/shared/authn/login --data-binary '{"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$pwd'", "loginProviderName":"tmos"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq -r '.token.token') } apply_policy() { # Apply the policy curl -ks -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: ${TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/apply-policy -d '{"policyReference":{"link":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/'$1'"}}' | jq '.' } get_policy_list() { # Get all ASM policies echo $(curl -ks -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: ${TOKEN}" 'https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/tm/asm/policies?&$select=name,id'|jq '.items[]| .name'| sed -e "s/\"/ /g") } show_policy_list() { # Convert list to an array arr=($1) # Show policies as a menu (go through array and prepend indice number) for i in ${!arr[@]} do echo $i ${arr[$i]} done # Get the number matching policy name echo -n "Select the ASM Policy [ENTER]: " read policy_name_index # Exctract policy name based on indice policy_name=${arr[$policy_name_index]} echo $policy_name } get_policy_id() { # Get policy id matching the name echo $(curl -ks -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: ${TOKEN}" 'https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$filter=name%20eq%20'$1'&$select=name,id' | jq -r '.items[] | .id') } get_signature_id() { # Get the attack signature id echo -n "Enter Signature ID to disable [ENTER]: " read SIGNATURE echo $(curl -ks -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: ${TOKEN}" 'https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/'$1'/signatures?$select=signatureReference,id,enabled' | jq '.items[] | select(.signatureReference.signatureId == '$SIGNATURE') | .id' | sed -e "s/\"/ /g") } disable_attack_signature() { # Disable the attack signature curl -ks -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: ${TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH 'https://$bigip_mgmt/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/'$1'/signatures/'$2'' -d '{"enabled":"false"}' |echo $? } TOKEN=$(get_token) POLICY_LIST=$(get_policy_list) POLICY_NAME=$(show_policy_list $POLICY_LIST) POLICYID=$(get_policy_id $POLICY_NAME) SIGNATUREID=$(get_signature_id $POLICYID) if [[ $SIGNATUREID -eq "" ]]; then echo "Signature $SIGNATURE not found in policy...exiting" exit 1 fi disable_attack_signature $POLICYID $SIGNATUREID apply_policy $POLICYID