====== Stress Test Script ====== These two bash scripts make an easy stress tester for your webserver or to test your DoS capabilities. First one is simply curl making a lot requests in a linear fashion, one after the other. #!/bin/bash # Set the URL of the website to test url="https://www.example.com" # Set the number of requests to send num_requests=1000 # Send the requests for i in $(seq 1 $num_requests); do curl $url done The second one runs it concurrently. You specify how many concurrent curl loops you want to run and then it goes through each URI the specified number of times. #!/bin/bash # Set the URLs of the websites to test urls=("https://www.example1.com" "https://www.example2.com" "https://www.example3.com") # Set the number of requests to send num_requests=1000 # Set the number of concurrent requests concurrent_requests=100 # Send the requests for url in ${urls[@]}; do for i in $(seq 1 $num_requests); do curl $url & # Limit the number of concurrent requests if [[ $(jobs -r -p | wc -l) -gt $concurrent_requests ]]; then wait fi done done